The gateway to East Kalimantan and one of the gateway to "Borneo Rainforest." Balikpapan is located between 1'LS-1, 5'LS and 116.5 'E-117'BT. Consisted of 5 District, bordering the city of Samarinda, Kutai Kartanegara, the Strait of Makassar, and Regency Sand. The total area of approximately 503,306 km2. Although the indigenous Dayak tribes, but the life of a multi-ethnis (heterogeneous) are characteristic in the life of this city.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pulau Babi (The Island of Boars)

Posted by fathir On 5:19 AM No comments

 Literally, if Pulau Babi is translated to English, this island would mean the Island of Boars, however, there aren’t any wild boars to be seen on this not-so big island. In the time of drought, local people are able to go by foot to reach this island as the river would usually in low tide condition; however, when the tide is up, you need to go by boat to be able to reach the island. There are lots of pretty cute purplish crabs can be found on this island and the rocks surrounding are pretty unique; and more uniquely is that sometimes you can find local people (mostly girls *wink*)bathing nearby the rocks! Nobody lives on this island actually; it is more to lovers’ island to enjoy the sunset; however, when it is really humid, the view looking further to the sea is just so horrible! You could almost see nothing, believe me.


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